Turning insight into action.

Piran Partners’ Insight & Analytics helps telecoms service providers develop, grow and sustain their businesses.

Our clients turn to us to answer and solve their key commercial challenges. Be this to understand the profitability of existing propositions and how they can be improved, through to commercial and operational benchmarking of what ‘good looks like’, or to understand the key trends in the market.


And in a world of big data, making sense of all this information is hard. Piran Partners helps turn insight into action, understanding customer behaviours so as to create new propositions, improve profitability, reduce churn and improve customer satisfaction.
Market Insight
Market-InsightAs competitors’ strategies evolve and new technology impacts business models, making sense of these changes and determining what’s important or not can be difficult.

Piran Partners provides bespoke market and technology insight and recommendations . We aim to craft our reports to our clients’ needs to help answer their strategic challenges.

For example should an existing triple-play media-provider add mobility to their product mix? Would such an approach help defend against aggressive moves by a new entrant in their core TV business?

Or does ownership of LTE spectrum plus an extensive network of broadband and WiFi assets represent a market game changer, with a significantly lower cost base allowing this competitor to change the rules?

Customer Insight
Customer-Insight-3For telecom service providers, especially MVNOs, understanding the dynamics of your customers is vital.

Prior to launch this can mean understanding your target customer needs, identifying the right channels to market, developing appropriate commission structures and accurately profiling their likely consumption. Post launch customer insight helps understand customer satisfaction, or identify issues throughout the customer lifecycle.

Piran Partners experience of helping some of the world’s largest brands, such as Sainsbury’s, launch their mobile services and in-life customer insight for Asda means we can help you understand your customers better and provide value-adding recommendations.

Profitability Analysis

Profitability-AnalysisDo you understand the profitability of your current product propositions? Or how the introduction of a new tariff or product bundle will impact margins?

Piran Partners has the experience and tools to provide meaningful insight into the profitability of your customers and the impact on customer lifetime value.

For BT Mobile, Zain, Gamma Telecom and others we have analysed their structured and un-structured customer data to provide senior management real insight into their businesses. And more importantly provided actionable recommendations for optimising profitability and driving future growth.

Commercial Benchmarking
Commercial-BenchmarkingWhat does good look like? Are you paying too much for core telecommunication services or customer care? Our commercial benchmarking process offers an independent audit of your current costs and commercial agreements, together with recommendations for securing improvements.

Ensuring that MVNOs’ wholesale costs remain competitive over the agreement lifetime, especially in today’s highly competitive and regulatory environments, is crucial. Piran Partners’ expertise in launching new MVNOs with some of the world’s largest mobile operators means we understand wholesale supply-side dynamics intimately.

We regularly undertake commercial audits and develop supplier negotiating strategies on behalf of our clients to drive profitable improvements.

Managing & Visualising Data
Managing-&-Visualising-DataUltimately being able to make timely in-life business decisions relating to customers and products and driven by Key Performance Indicators depends on the availability of data, its quality and the tools available.

All too often the data needed is scattered across multiple data sets, driven by manual processes and reliant on spreadsheets.

Piran Partners can help audit, consolidate and visualise your data providing management with the business intelligence to understand your business.

Working with leading data virtualisation and visualisation vendors’ solutions we offer an end-to-end solution.

And we often undertake business process improvement activities working alongside our clients to drive change. For example auditing and improving key order-to-cash or customer support processes and the data associated with these.